
Ben Shneidermann 8 Golden Rules of Interface Design

Ben Shneidermann’s 8 Golden Rules of Interface Design Ben Shneidermann的界面设计8条黄金法则 Strive for consistency 力求一致性 Consistency is critical to maintaining uniformity throughout the site, whether it’s the layout, the size of the button, the color code, or the tone used when writing the page. Consistency

Jakob Ten Usability Heuristics

Jakob Nielsen's 10 general principles for interaction design. They are called 'heuristics' because they are broad rules of thumb and not specific usability guidelines.

Dieter Ram's 10 Principles of Good Design

中文标题 迪特·拉姆的10项优秀设计原则 1.Good design is innovative 好的设计就是创新的 Whether you are making a change or doing something in a new way, developing new ideas or making improvements to existing designs and working alongside new technology, all of these offer a multitude of opportunities for you to


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